Sunday, November 21, 2010

Koleksi Silver Untuk Dijual...

Public Silver Bar 250g

Morgan Silver Bar 1oz (RM135)

Silvertowne Bar 1oz (RM135)

Silver Coin

ican Eagle 2008 1oz (RM140)
Maple Leaf 2011 1oz

*Harga termasuk kos pos

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rantai tangan untuk dijual!!!

Emas 916,
Berat 41.85g,
Panjang ~20cm,
Harga RM5600

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pengumuman Agen BARU!!


Setelah lama blog ni tidak dikemaskini, akhirnya arini aku berkesempatan untuk mengemaskininya supaya tidak bersawang dan ingin membuat satu pemberitahuan yang aku sudah mempunyai seorang rakaniaga yang baru menjadi agen di bawah rangkaian logamkaya iaitu En Hamdan bin Roslan. Area Shah Alam, PJ, KL. Sesiapa yang ingin membeli produk emas dan silver keluaran Public Gold serta produk emas yg lain bolehla menghubungi beliau serta dapat mengunjungi blog beliau iaitu

Diucapkan terima kasih kerana menjadi rakaniaga serta agen 1st di bawah rangakaian logamkaya...hehehe

Friday, October 1, 2010

Barang Kemas Oktober!!!!

Rantai Tangan Emas 916 Used,
Harga Bersih=1340.00


Gelang Tangan Emas 916 Used,
Harga Bersih=2090.00


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Promosi September (Hari Raya Aidilfitri)!!!

Gelang Tangan Emas BARU,
Harga Bersih=1330.00


Gelang Tangan Emas 18K,
Harga RM105/g
Harga Bersih=1385.00

Subang Emas 18K,
Harga RM105/g
Harga Bersih=306.00

Rantai Tangan Emas Used,
Harga Bersih=4645.00

Rantai Tangan Emas Used,
Harga Bersih=2300.00

Rantai Leher Emas Used,
Harga Bersih=2480.00


Rantai Tangan Emas Used,
Harga Bersih=1400.00

Rantai Leher Emas Used,
Harga Bersih=1135.00


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Barang Kemas Julai!!!!

Rantai Tangan Used,
Emas 916,
Berat 8.94g,
Panjang 21.50cm,
Harga RM1115.

Rantai Leher Used,
Emas 916,
Berat 13.74g,
Panjang 60cm,
Harga RM1715.

Rantai Leher Used,
Emas 916,
Berat 9.02g,
Panjang 48cm,
Harga RM1125.

Rantai Leher Used,
Emas 916,
Berat 22.30g,
Panjang 46cm,
Harga RM2785.

Rantai Tangan Used,
Emas 916,
Berat 7.39g,
Panjang 17.5cm,
Harga RM920.

Panda 1/4oz Gold Coin 1986...

Panda 1/4oz Gold Coin,
Purity 24K,
Keluaran China,
Tahun 1986.
Baru beli, rare collection..cantik woo...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

PROMOSI Bulan Jun!!!!

Rantai Tangan Used
Emas 916,

Harga=RM120/g (SOLD)

Rantai Leher
+ Loket
Emas 916,


Harga=RM2360 (SOLD)

Rantai Tangan Baru
Emas 916,

tanpa upah

Monday, May 10, 2010

"Gelang Tangan" Harga Promosi!!!

Gelang Tangan
Harga=RM117/g (SOLD)

Rantai Leher
Harga=RM115/g (SOLD)

Rantai Tangan
Harga=RM119/g (SOLD)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Barang Kemas Untuk Dijual!!

Rantai Tangan Kanak2 Baru
Emas 916,

Rantai Tangan Used
Emas 916,


Harga=RM123/g (SOLD)

Cincin Berlian Used
Emas 916,


Harga=RM480 (SOLD)

Rantai Tangan Used
Emas 916,


Harga=RM119/g (SOLD)

Rantai Tangan Used (SOLD)
Emas 916,



Thursday, March 18, 2010

Koleksi Yang Terhad!!!

Johnson Matthew 5g (Sold), G-Gold Gallery 10g (SOLD), Pamp 1g (gambar Kaabah 2 keping)(1 keping Sold) &
(gambar bunga ros)

Koleksi yang terhadku...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tahukah Anda!


Sudah lama tak update. Jadi aku mau kongsi sikit pasal emas ni.
  1. Tahukah anda; "Kandungan Emas di Laut adalah 200 kali ganda lebih banyak dari Daratan". Jadi kita semua jangan takut, bekalan emas dunia tak kan habis. Naik turun harga emas semuanya spekulasi saja. Mungkin bila emas mula dilombong di laut, harganya berlipat ganda jadinya kerana melibatkan kos yang besar untuk mendapatkannya berbanding lombong di daratan. Tunggu apa lagi, selagi emas dilombong di daratan ni, beli & simpan seberapa banyak yang mampu.
  2. Ungkapan Emas;"Semulia-mulia pekerjaan adalah usaha seseorang dengan tangannya sendiri". (Nabi Muhammad S.A.W). Jadi aku akan berusaha dengan apa yang dianugerahkan kepadaku untuk mencapai objektif aku dalam bidang EMAS ini @ "logamkaya" amnya. Walaupun skang aku baru berstatus Novis lagi, tapi aku akan tingkatnya menjadi Expert, Insyaallah di kesemua bidang yang berkaitan EMAS ini. Aku akan gali lagi. Kat Laut yang luas sana banyak lagi terkandungnya Emas ini, begitulah ilmu Emas yang perlu aku terokai.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Spread Kijang Emas TURUN!!!


Mulai 12 Januari 2010, spread bagi produk kijang emas turun sebanyak 3.9% - 7.4% bergantung kepada saiz dan beratnya. Spread sebelum ini adalah antara 6.0% - 9.4% juga bergantung kepada saiz dan bertanya.Mengapa ini berlaku ya? persoalan yang berlegar2 di fikiranku. Dulu dalam bulan Okt 2009 (dekat nak Raya), BNM menaikkan spread kijang emas. Pada masa tu, harga emas dunia tengah melambung tinggi. Jadi ramai pembeli yang hendak menjualnya. Samada untuk mendapat untung atau nak buat shopping raya. Tapi, terpaksa tangguh atau kecewa akibat dari kenaikan spread tersebut. Tapi skang, bila harga emas dunia tengah ding dong (turun), BNM menurunkan spreadnya. Jadi ada sesetengah orang ambil kesempatan untuk menjualnya kembali. TAPI aku tak, aku pikir mesti ada sesuatu yang akan berlaku pada tahun ini yang mana menyebabkan BNM buat begitu. Mungkin harga emas akan mencanak lagi tinggi dengan keadaan ekonomi dunia yang tak stabil lagi dan nilai matawang USD yang turun hari demi hari. Stok kijang emas baru sudah tidak dicetak, harap stok lama yang dibeli dan dijual balik saja skang kat Maybank. Sepanjang aku berkecimpung dgn kijang emas ni, tak dapat lagi la stok yang tertera 2009 dicetak padanya. Itu ramalan aku saja, tapi ramalan anda bagaimana? Jadi anda tunggu apalagi, harga emas tengah cantik skang. Bagi yang ingin membeli produk Public Gold n Dinar bolehla kontek saya di 0125591037..(iklan skit) hahaha. Tiba2 plak, cita pasal kijang emas, penamat Public Gold n Dinar..

Sekadar ingin berkongsi..

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Gold to hit $1500 or higher this year and probability of $3000 longer term!

Precious metals market analyst Jeff Nichols reckons that gold remains in a bull market and will hit new records again this year, but the path is unlikely to be a smooth one. He notes that gold has enjoyed a long and enviable climb, rising some 380 percent from a cyclical low near $255 in 2001 to an all-time high just over $1,225 in early December last year and he suggests the bull market still has a long way to go, both in magnitude and duration.

Thus he anticipates that the gold price will hit $1,500 an ounce - or higher - during 2010 up more than 35% from its 2009 close.

But that's not all. He feels there is more to come before the yellow metal peaks. Looking further ahead he suggests that an ongoing bull market will carry the price to a cyclical high of $2,000 or more and feels the probability of the yellow metal hitting $3,000 or more in the next few years is rising as the U.S. is, in his view, heading for years of stagflation.

Nichols' views are certainly not unique, and there are plenty of detractors around - notably Nouriel Roubini (Dr. Doom) who has received a fair amount of publicity on his bearish take on the gold price. But the gold bulls in general reckon that he, and many others, do not understand gold and its long history as a monetary metal, which has stood the test of time as a wealth protector in times of economic strife and uncertainty.

The other factors which Nichols feels will help lead to the big price increases in gold over the next few years are what he describes as "a rising secular expansion of investor participation", together with continuing reserve diversification by Central Banks due to what he feels is an "irreversible erosion of the U.S. dollar as the single dominant reserve asset and denominator of much world trade."

"As a result of these secular developments, over the next decade and beyond, the long-run average price of gold (stripping away the major cyclical bull and bear market swings) will be considerably higher than past experience would suggest . . . and considerably higher than many analysts and investors would dare imagine" says Nichols.

But Nichols also reckons the gold price rise will be far from a smooth one with changing expectations about U.S. interest rates and monetary policy and short term fluctuations in the perception of the strength or weakness of the U.S. dollar likely to trigger occasional reversals - notably statistics indicating improvements in the U.S. economy, or accelerating inflation leading to tightening of interest rate policy which could briefly push the dollar higher or lower with a corresponding impact on the gold price.

There are a myriad of financial uncertainties out there at the moment which have been detailed in these columns in the past which could have either a positive or negative impact on precious metals prices in the short term and Nichols reckons the dips will provide some good buying opportunities.

He goes on to reiterate his views that gold is definitely not in a bubble situation (after all base metals prices rose far more steeply in 2009 than gold did despite the bubble talk).

He feels gold's strength is built on solid fundamentals - fundamentals that gold bears, among them a number of eminent economists, fail to recognise. These include: Continuing expansionary U.S. monetary and fiscal policies; strong continuing Central Bank demand for gold as a reserve diversifier; continuing expansion of investor interest; a continuing decline in world gold mine production which he reckons will continue for at least another five years before high gold prices have been sufficient to stimulate new production. Finally he looks to expanding and evolving geographic markets for gold, particularly in the East where the combination of a traditional cultural interest in gold is boosted by rising incomes and wealth.

In this respect Nichols pays specific attention to China, which he has just visited, and where gold purchasing by the general public, both for investment and for adornment is rising very fast indeed. Most estimates put China at the top of the list in terms of gold consumption in 2009, taking over from India which had held this position in the past - and he expects a continuing strong increase this year and forward.


Meanwhile Nichols is also extremely bullish on silver feeling that it could outperform gold, although not as significantly as some of the silver bulls. He suggests silver could hit an annual high of around $25 during 2010, representing a gain of more than 40% from current levels with demand from the high-growth Asian nations putting upward pressure on prices and strong cyclical growth in both industrial and investment demand.

Sumber dari:

Author: Lawrence Williams

Posted: Wednesday , 06 Jan 2010